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Office of the Provost


我们负责战略规划, 学术项目的管理和评估, resource allocation, budget analysis, assessment, and academic policies. In addition, we provide leadership and are responsible for a wide range of matters concerning institutional effectiveness and accreditation requirements and processes.

We coordinate on co-curricular activities and new student orientation with the Office of Student Affairs; coordinate on commencement planning, public relations, fund raising, and advancement initiatives with the Office of Institutional Advancement; and coordinate on strategic resource allocation with the Office of 财务及行政.

About Rev. Justin Daffron, SJ,教务长兼战略高级副总裁

The Rev. Justin Daffron, S.J. was named Interim Provost and Senior Vice President of Strategy for 皇冠app官方版下载 for the 2023-24 academic year. He brings a wealth of higher education administrative experience to his post, having most recently served as Interim President Select for the 2022-23 academic year and the Vice President for Mission and Identity at 皇冠app官方版下载 from July 2019 to May 2022.  He previously held top posts at fellow Jesuit universities Saint Louis University, 芝加哥洛约拉大学和斯普林希尔学院.

他的主要优势是创新思维、领导能力和远见, 对建立皇冠365官方app的热情, and desire to accompany students through a transformational experience. Throughout his career, he has built relationships that foster philanthropic investment, 具备管理人力和财政资源的能力,  提倡正义, diversity, equity and inclusion. Diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives have long been important to him and over the course of his career, he has been responsible for bringing in a total of over $5 million in grants to create systems of support for low-income and first-generation students. 

在皇冠app官方版下载, Daffron served as a critical member of President Tania Tetlow’s leadership team, starting in April 2019. In 2019-2020, he engaged the entire Loyola community in the Mission Priority Examen, a self-study process conducted at the request of the Superior General of the Society of Jesus and with the support of the Jesuit Provincials in the United States and the 耶稣会学院协会 and Universities (AJCU). 这是对大学耶稣会士的详尽探索, Catholic identity resulted in the successful reaffirmation of Loyola’s Jesuit Catholic identity by the Society of Jesus. 

Naturally, the self-study process of the Examen heavily overlapped development of the university’s strategic plan, 勇气与创造力2020. 达芙蓉神父在计划的制定中发挥了关键作用, jointly leading a trustee task force to advance ideas for long term strategies that would have the potential for strengthening Loyola’s reputation and financial position. He also co-chaired a board strategic planning committee that authored 21世纪的洛约拉—an action plan to address future institutional challenges and opportunities in response to the global pandemic.

作为宣教和事工副会长, Father Daffron led a committee that completed the design of the planned $6 million St. 依纳爵教堂和本森耶稣会中心, created a formation program for the Board of Trustees in Jesuit Catholic identity and diversity, equity and inclusion, 教本科生伊格那爵灵修. He also provided interim executive leadership for online education for 18 months, making way for a new Dean of Online Learning and the future City College.

在加入新奥尔良洛约拉之前, Father Daffron served as Special Assistant to the President of Saint Louis University, 他在哪里制定了增长战略, 特别是在卫生领域, and a strategic plan for transformative undergraduate education.  At Loyola Chicago, as Associate Provost for Strategic Planning and Academic Services, he led a task force positioning the university for the future; he also served as the Vice President for Advancement, 领导筹款和校友关系.  At Spring Hill College, he was Assistant to the Vice President for Student Affairs.

Father Daffron has served on the boards of Xavier University in Ohio, Spring Hill College and a number of Jesuit high schools around the country, namely: St. Ignatius College Prep, Sacred Heart Academy, Loyola Academy, 克里斯多雷耶稣会高中, 和斯特莱克耶稣会大学预科. Currently, 他是圣心学院的学校牧师, New Orleans, pastoral assistant for the Shrine of Our Lady of Prompt Succor, 也是NOLA准备志愿服务队的成员.

A cum laude business graduate of Centenary College, Father Daffron did his novitiate training at St. 路易斯安那州大考托的查尔斯学院. 他拥有St. Louis University, a Master of Divinity from the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley, Calif. and a Ph. D. in higher education administration from Loyola University Chicago, where he wrote his dissertation “Jesuits working in higher education: Satisfaction with the core curriculum at American Jesuit Colleges and Universities.” 

Rev. Justin Daffron, SJ临时教务长

The members of major university committees are named in the Committee Membership List.
In addition, some committees have individual web pages as listed below:

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee 

Commencement Committee 
Graduate Council 



Established in 1968 and consisting of faculty representatives from all departments, colleges, and schools, the University Senate is an advisory body whose function is to advise the University--including the Provost, the President, and the Board of Trustees--on matters that the Senate deems appropriate concerning the whole University.  访问大学参议院网站

Policies + Procedures

Learn about the policies and procedures that go along with the services and resources we offer.

Policies + Procedures


The below proposal forms have been developed to provide guidance and consistency across colleges through the curriculum approval process.



The Office of Academic Affairs offers a number of resources for faculty and staff at Loyola University.
